To help you make an informed choice this year, Voksmonitor compares your views directly with the candidates' political positions on 40 issues affecting European politics. The app shows you the percentage of each party you agree with. After answering the questions, you also have the chance to read the explanatory notes that accompany the parties' answers. These show you how each party thinks on the issue. Voksmonitor contains the positions of most of the parties on the ballot paper, formulated specifically for Voksmonitor.
In two weeks' time on Sunday 9 June, Hungary holds elections to the European Parliament at the same time as local elections. The election is a single-round, list vote, which means voters will be able to vote for parties and not individuals. Of course, the candidates themselves will also count, with parties putting their most important politicians at the top of the list.
Hungary will again delegate 21 MEPs to the European Parliament in 2024. The election is open to political parties that have collected at least 20,000 recommendations from voters. This year, 11 parties have managed to do so, and can win a seat if they obtain at least 5% of the valid votes. Information on the parties standing in the elections and the candidates on the lists is available below.

Before you read the article on the shortlists, take the test to find out which party you are closest to in terms of policy issues among those who will be running for the European Parliament in 2024. (full-size)
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Party manifestos
Who are the parties/leading candidates running?
The first 5 candidates on the party lists in order of the lists:
- Megoldás Mozgalom (Solution Movement): 1. Huszár Viktor (founder of Teqball, member of the public board of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences), 2. Dr. Karl Dóra, 3. Bogó Dániel, 4. Paksi Piroska, 5. Szilágyi Norbert
- LMP – Magyarország Zöld Pártja (LMP- Green Party of Hungary): 1. Ungár Péter (Co-President of LMP, geographer), 2. Schmuck Erzsébet (economist, environmental activist), 3. Tetlák Örs (urban politician, Deputy Mayor of Érd), 4. Kanász-Nagy Máté (politician, Member of Parliament), 5. Hohn Krisztina (Former Mayor of Mánfa, Member of Parliament)
- Demokratikus Koalíció – Magyar Szocialista Párt – Párbeszéd–Zöldek (Democratic Coalition - Hungarian Socialist Party - Dialogue - Green Party): 1. Dobrev Klára (economist, lawyer, MEP since 2019), 2. Molnár Csaba (lawyer, MEP since 2014), 3. Vadai Ágnes (economist, lawyer), 4. Rónai Sándor (MEP since 2019), 5. Tüttő Kata (MSZP, economist, deputy mayor)
- Második Reformkor Párt (Second Reform Era Party): 1. Vona Gábor (president of 2rk, former member of parliament), 2. Pekárné Farkas Emese (vice-president of 2rk), 3. Búzás Balázs (professional director of 2rk), 4. Száki Adrián, 5. Tóth Gábor
- Mindenki Magyarországa Néppárt (The People's Party of All Hungary): 1. Márki-Zay Péter (economist, historian, mayor of Hódmezővásárhely), 2. Szalma Botond (transport engineer, MMNP campaign manager), 3. Bana Tibor (economist, former member of parliament), 4. Putz Anita (lawyer), 5. Mellár Tamás (economist, member of parliament)
- Momentum Mozgalom (Momentum Movement): 1. Donáth Anna (sociologist, since 2019 MEP), 2. Cseh Katalin (doctor, since 2019 MEP), 3. Deli Tamás Győző (Momentum national delegate), 4. Vajda Viktória (Momentum Göd municipal representative), 5. Berg Dániel (Deputy Mayor of District II)
- Fidesz–Magyar Polgári Szövetség – Kereszténydemokrata Néppárt (FIDESZ - Hungarian Civic Alliance and the Christian Democratic People's Party): 1. Deutsch Tamás (lawyer, MEP since 2009), 2. Gál Kinga (lawyer, MEP since 2004), 3. Gyürk András (MEP since 2004), 4. Győrffy Balázs (agricultural specialist, former MP), 5. Hölvényi György (KDNP, teacher, MEP since 2014)
- Jobbik – Konzervatívok (Jobbik - Conservatives): 1. Péter Róna (economist, lawyer), 2. Gyöngyösi Márton (economist, MEP since 2019), 3. Balczó Zoltán (electrical engineer, associate professor, MEP from 2014-2019), 4. Kvárik Anita (vice-president of Jobbik), 5. Dudás Róbert (political scientist, vice-president of Jobbik)
- Tisztelet és Szabadság Párt (Respect and Freedom Party): 1. Magyar Péter (lawyer, chairman of the Tisza Party), 2. Dávid Dóra (lawyer, legal adviser to Meta), 3. Tarr Zoltán (former Reformed pastor), 4. Kulja András (candidate surgeon), 5. Lakos Eszter (lawyer)
- Magyar Kétfarkú Kutya Párt (Hungarian Two-tailed Dog Party): 1. Le Marietta (participation expert, urbanist, founder of Járókelő.hu), 2. Törley Katalin (teacher, activist of the Tanítanék Movement), 3. Juhász Veronika (vice-president of the MKKP, local government representative in the 2nd district), 4. Tóth Imre (comedian, musician), 5. Becker András (ex-journalist)
- Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Homeland Movement): 1. Toroczkai László (Member of Parliament, former mayor of Ásotthalom), 2. Dúró Dóra (Member of Parliament, political scientist), 3. Borvendég Zsuzsanna (historian, staff member of the Hungarian Studies Institute), 4. Kispalkó Szilveszter (engineer and computer scientist, chairman of the national policy cabinet of the Mi Hazánk Mozgalom), 5. Árgyelán János (language teacher, translator, operational director of the Mi Hazánk Mozgalom)
About Voksmonitor and its methodology
Voksmonitor is a joint project of K-Monitor and the Czech NGO Since 2014, K-Monitor has been continuously developing informed voting apps before each election, based on the parties' responses and, in other cases, on their programmes and communications, to help you decide whose policy agenda you are closest to and which party or candidate's position is furthest away from yours.
K-Monitor carefully collects the public-policy issues that candidates and experts consider important and those that are highly publicized and relevant to the given election, policy issues that have a real impact on the lives of citizens. In fact, Voksmonitor shows you who you agree with on policy issues, but they may still be unlikable, not credible, and you may think their political strategy is wrong. K-Monitor’s aim is to inform, you make the decision for yourself!
The selected list of questions was sent to all political parties with real political support running in the European Parliament elections.
Nine parties: DK-MSZP-Párbeszéd (Democratic Coalition-Hungarian Socialist Party-Dialogue (Greens)), Jobbik-Conservatives, LMP-Hungary's Green Party, Második Reformkor Párt (Second Reform Era Party), Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Homeland Movement) , MKKP (Hungarian Two-Tailed Dog Party), MMNP (All People's Party of Hungary), Momentum and Tisza Party submitted a response. In most cases, the respondents added a short or longer explanatory statement to their answers, clarifying their position. You will find these next to your results after completing the questionnaire. Candidates on the Fidesz-KDNP list did not answer the questions asked after several rounds of enquiries, so the answers shown for the joint list party of Fidesz-KDNP are coded by K-Monitor, based on secondary sources. These answers were again sent to Fidesz-KDNP for review, who again did not respond to our request.
During the development of the questions, K-Monitor asked candidates' opinions on a few issues that were not included in the final test for methodological reasons, for example due to contradictory answers or because they all gave the same answer, so the question would not have helped to highlight the differences between them. Examples included whether a European minimum wage should be introduced or whether, in addition to increasing the burden on air transport, there should be investment in more cross-border European railways. On these issues, all the parties consulted agreed.
K-Monitor also prepared a Voksmonitor for the local mayoral elections in Budapest! To our great pleasure, all the political parties with real support (except Fidesz-KDNP) answered our questions concerning the capital city. Try it too, there’s an English version available!