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EU hírek

EU hírek





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Empowering local self-government - Cooperation between advocacy groups and local governments

MerényiM // 2020.12.21.

Címkék: magyarország külföld románia önkormányzat english lengyelország civilek k-monitor

Between May and July 2020, we conducted 64 semi-structured in-depth interviews with representatives from 35 organizations in 35 different local entities in Hungary, Poland and Romania, involving both activists and local government officials. Our main ambition was to learn about the narratives used…

Címkék: magyarország külföld románia önkormányzat english lengyelország civilek k-monitor

Szólj hozzá!

Another day, another slap in the face of Hungarian Democracy

tangentopoli // 2020.11.11.

Címkék: english

While Hungarians were kept in uncertainty about the details of the anti-COVID measures of the government, the government published the draft amendment of the Constitution that would limit the scope of what can be considered public funds.  In Spring there was a widespread fear that the government…

This is the Minimum! - 21st century standards of transparency in the municipalities

attilaj // 2019.11.14.

Címkék: english ezaminimum

K-Monitor, investigative portal atlatszo.hu and TI Hungary organized a campaign called “This is the minimum!” prior to the Hungarian local elections held in October, asking candidates to commit themselves to six transparency measures if elected. Measures include improvements regarding the…

Conspiracy for Democracy: Concepts of civil-municipal cooperation

attilaj // 2019.11.07.

Címkék: english conspiracy for democracy

K-Monitor organized a two days event in June 2019 to discuss inspiring practices and emerging trends on citizens’ participation in local decision making. The event was attended by representatives of local governments and civil society actors from Hungary, Spain, France, Italy and Romania.

Match your vote for the Budapest mayoral election!

MerényiM // 2019.10.05.

Címkék: english Voksmonitor

If you live in Budapest, and you feel engaged in the local community, you can vote on the 13th of October in the local elections. A lot of people living here are not Hungarians and therefore might not speak the language and do not understand much of what’s going on during the campaign. To help them,…

The Uses and Misuses of Europe's "Strictest" Asset Declaration System

MerényiM // 2018.10.05.

Címkék: english orbán viktor vagyonnyilatkozat

We were the first one to report on the Prime Minister’s trip to a Videoton-Ludogorec Champion’s League game in Bulgaria on July 25. The trip was made on a 60 million dollar business jet, and Orbán’s Press Secretary, Bertalan Havasi asserted that it has not been paid from public funds. In September,…

HOTEL OLIGARCH HUNGARY– Know where you spend your money

MerényiM // 2018.08.30.

Címkék: english nerhotel

Summer holiday at Lake Balaton? Charming autumn city break in Budapest? Be aware that the corrupt clientele of the Orbán regime is branching out to tourism. They own hotels and restaurants around the most popular destinations. Don’t feed kleptocrats and don’t support oligarchs usurping both…

The language of the Hungarian Parliament (1990-2017)

tangentopoli // 2017.12.05.

Címkék: english

As part of the 2017 Global Legislative Openness Week K-Monitor did some experimenting with parliamentary data. Background: K-Monitor started to scrape data from the Hungarian Parliament's website to make it processable for researchers and easily searchable for citizens and journalists. The following…

So who blocked our participation at the UN anti-corruption conference in Vienna?

tangentopoli // 2017.11.06.

Címkék: english

The Seventh Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC/COSP7) starts today in Vienna. K-Monitor has applied for an observer role, however a state vetoed our participation.

Head of government's entourage eyeing agriculture

attilaj // 2017.10.29.

Címkék: english

The positions of the green barons obtained at the turn of the millennium are gradually, hectare by hectare, company by company, taken over by the orange barons in Hungarian agriculture according to the latest agricultural subsidy data processed by K-Monitor. In light of the payments and ownership…

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