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EU hírek

EU hírek





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Hungary’s State of Corruption Heading Towards Elections

tangentopoli // 2022.02.21.

Címkék: english

After 12 years of authoritarian rule, Orbán’s System of National Cooperation has reached its final shape. In 2021 government party Fidesz did its best to cement its positions in oversight institutions and markets it hijacked. Without being really aware of it, Hungarians donated national assets worth…

Címkék: english

Szólj hozzá!

EU’s Financial Interests Safeguarded

tangentopoli // 2022.02.18.

Címkék: english EU conditionality

Or not? The Court of Justice of the European Union has given green light to the Commission’s Rule of Law conditionality mechanism: the misuse of EU funds could soon have more severe consequences. The Luxembourg court's ruling comes after Hungary, criticized for systemic corruption, and Poland, whose…

There is nothing mysterious about public budgets: it's our money!

MerényiM // 2021.12.07.

Címkék: english

Imagine a country where citizens and public bodies come together to solve the most important issues they face; and allocate public funds accordingly. Where the decision-making process is transparent and accountable, and where you have a real say in the policies and services that shape your life. In…

New Public Interest Trusts: K-Monitor to File Amicus to Constitutional Court

MerényiM // 2021.11.23.

Címkék: english kekva

Constitutional concerns regarding academic freedom and the newly set up public interest trusts (PITs) are well known to the international community as the forced reorganisation of the University of Theatre and Film Arts has sparked criticism around the world. A bejegyzés magyarul itt olvasható el /…

Hungary's bluffed solutions to improve its funds management system

orsivin // 2021.11.17.

Címkék: english RRF

The European Commission has not yet approved the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) submitted by the Hungarian Government in mid-May. This would be the condition for Hungary to have access to the billions disbursed by the EU to address the effects of the COVID pandemic. The protracted decision…

Omnibus Bill Passed, Prosecutor General Polt to be Irremovable without Supermajority

tangentopoli // 2021.11.12.

Címkék: english

On 9 November, the Hungarian parliament with the supermajority of ruling Fidesz MPs adopted amendments submitted by the Government to laws on the judiciary, public offices, expropriation, privatisation of the housing stock and elections. This is a brief summary of the most important changes.  The…

New BI module for redflags.eu

tangentopoli // 2021.09.30.

Címkék: english red flags

After 5 years of operation, K-Monitor and TI Hungary decided to perform some updates on the redflags.eu platform. Among these are improvements on the indicators, extension of the data sources and the deployment of a BI module. In this blogpost we’ll introduce the features of that module. When…


tangentopoli // 2021.09.23.

Címkék: english

Many Member States have already received the first tranche of billions of euros made available from the EU Recovery Instrument, but Hungary's Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) has not yet been approved by the EU. It has become clear over the past decade that the only means by which the EU can put…

From Exception to Norm: Corruption and Resistance in the Shadow of Emergency Rule in Hungary

attilaj // 2021.02.03.

Címkék: english

When the pandemic reached Hungary ten years after the Fidesz party first gained a two-thirds majority, it was met by a solidified Orbán-regime. The systematic building of a clientele, the domination of the media, the liquidation of the autonomy of institutions and the eradication of democratic…

The Majority of Hungarian Children Are Born In Corruption

tangentopoli // 2021.01.02.

Címkék: english

Eleven thousand respondents filled out a questionnaire to inform a birthing experience map published by K-Monitor, Funky Citizens and EMMA Association. Hungarian data  collected for this study indicates that gratitude payments are involved in 68 percent of deliveries, with an average amount of HUF…

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