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EU hírek

EU hírek





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Reclaim your neighborhood! Cities and citizens striving for a democratic awareness in Hungary

MerényiM // 2023.02.26.

Címkék: english

After a bitterly fought election campaign overshadowed by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU’s less than transparent and democratic financial conditionality mechanism took effect in Hungary. There was plenty for the corruption watchdog K-Monitor to do in 2022! In an environment where the most…

Címkék: english

Szólj hozzá!

Hungarian MP’s Assets: Less Declared And Still Not Monitored

Jogi Munkacsoport // 2023.02.15.

Címkék: english EU conditionality

2022 has been a turbulent year for asset declaration rules in Hungary. The government has repeatedly amended the way in which lawmakers and government leaders are required to declare their incomes and assets. While the head of the Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information criticized…

Public Interest Trusts: Can Government Politicians Continue to Control the Public Assets Needed to Ensure Academic Freedom?

Jogi Munkacsoport // 2023.02.08.

Címkék: english EU conditionality

The public interest management foundations (in short: public interest trusts - PITs) were set up by the Hungarian government in 2021 to restructure Hungarian higher education. Although the law on PITs has been amended several times in the context of the conditionality procedure launched by the…

The summary of K-Monitor's activities in 2022

tangentopoli // 2023.01.26.

Címkék: english

After the pre-election year of 2021, which was all about the ruling party's stocking up, 2022 did not bring more integrity into public life in Hungary either. There was plenty for the corruption watchdog K-Monitor to do! In the spring, we intensively followed the controversial parliamentary election…

Contributions of Hungarian CSOs to the European Commission's Rule of Law Report

Jogi Munkacsoport // 2023.01.23.

Címkék: english

K-Monitor as one of nine Hungarian NGOs has submitted a report on rule of law in Hungary to the European Commission. The report assesses the rule of law situation in Hungary and draws attention to problems in the justice, the anti-corruption framework, the media and other rule of law related…

Check where you spend your money when you are in Hungary

attilaj // 2023.01.23.

Címkék: english nerhotel

K-Monitor is happy to announce that our NER Hotel database is now available in English, too. NER Hotel is a map-based website that aims to make the Hungarian tourism sector more transparent by uncovering the real owners of restaurants, hotels, and other leisure establishments. It is designed to help…

Without genuine and credible rule of law and anti-corruption measures, Hungary will not get EU money

MerényiM // 2022.11.30.

Címkék: english EU conditionality

Promises and half-hearted solutions have failed to convince the European Commission, and so Hungary has still no access to vital EU funds. According to the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, K-Monitor and Transparency International (TI) Hungary, the Hungarian government must seize the last opportunity to…

EU Conditionality: The Show Must Go On and We Keep Monitoring

tangentopoli // 2022.11.25.

Címkék: english EU conditionality

A number of international outlets reported that the EU Commission will likely maintain its proposal to freeze EU cohesion funds for Hungary. At the same time it is also expected that the EU will approve Hungary's recovery plan, still not available publicly, while connecting payments to strict…

Conditionality mechanism: NGO assessment of remedial measures

tangentopoli // 2022.11.18.

Címkék: english EU conditionality

With the 19 November deadline given to the Hungarian government to enact the remedial measures it committed to in the framework of the conditionality mechanism nearing, the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, K-Monitor and Transparency International Hungary prepared a new joint analysis on the…

Almost there? A number of issues remained unaddressed in Hungary's anti-corruption reforms

tangentopoli // 2022.11.09.

Címkék: english EU conditionality

In our publications about the Hungarian Government’s recent steps against corruption, we already referred to the fact that the 17 measures agreed on by the European Commission (EC) and the Hungarian Government neither cover several corruption related issues raised earlier by the EC when preparing…

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