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EU hírek

EU hírek





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Anti-Corruption Task Force: What is the situation eight months after its launch?

Jogi Munkacsoport // 2023.09.28.

Címkék: english

In November 2022 we applied to the Anti-Corruption Task Force, which was founded by the Hungarian government under pressure from the EU Commission. Since then, we regularly get the question why we have joined the group.  

Címkék: english

Szólj hozzá!

How many crises can local governments absorb?

mrnymkls // 2023.07.11.

Címkék: english

The collaborative research project of K-Monitor (Hungary), Oživení (Czechia), Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog Polska (Poland) and Funky Citizens (Romania) started in July 2021 and has concluded now after 2 years of work. The main objective of the project was to better understand how the Covid-19 pandemic…

Position on the Proposed EU Regulation on the Transparency and Targeting of Political Advertising

Jogi Munkacsoport // 2023.06.30.

Címkék: english

As a Budapest-based public fund watchdog, K-Monitor has been monitoring the use of public funds, including political advertising, in Hungary for seventeen years. In the context of project ‘Making political finance and advertisement in the Visegrad region more transparent,’ K-Monitor together with TI…


orsivin // 2023.06.13.

Címkék: english EU conditionality

Since the late 2010s, it has become a recurring criticism in Hungarian Country Reports and Rule of Law reports that the government does not have adequate and effective structures for social dialogue and stakeholder engagement. Documents of strategic importance have not been shared with the public…

Since K-Monitor’s lawsuit, PM Orbán has regularly paid for his family members' travels

tangentopoli // 2023.06.08.

Címkék: english

Something has changed since Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán was photographed in a restaurant in Rome with his wife and son. Viktor Orbán has since paid more than HUF 2 million (appr. €5,800, exchange rates as of 27 April) to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for, the Ministry claims for the travels of his…

A rough winding road leads to public data on the new portal promised to the EU

tangentopoli // 2023.06.06.

Címkék: english EU conditionality

Public institutions (budgetary bodies) in Hungary have to publish their contract data from 29 November on through the government's new database on public spending. K-Monitor tested the site and had a devastating experience. Our impression was that the site is designed to be useless and serves the…

Selected recommendations for Hungary in the Article 7(1) TEU procedure

Jogi Munkacsoport // 2023.05.26.

Címkék: english

On 30 May, there will be yet another hearing in the Council in relation to Hungary in the framework of the procedure under Article 7(1) TEU that is aimed at determining whether there is a clear risk of a serious breach by Hungary of the values the EU is founded on. Since the initiation of the…

New Whistleblower Protection Bill in Hungary: Failed

Jogi Munkacsoport // 2023.05.19.

Címkék: english

Although the European Commission has suspended billions of Euros of EU funding due to the seriousness of corruption, strengthening whistleblower protection in Hungary did not become a remedial measure under the conditionality mechanism or a milestone in the Hungarian RRP, as it happened in some…

Hungarian Government To Hollow Out Public Consultations Despite Commitments

Jogi Munkacsoport // 2023.04.28.

Címkék: english EU conditionality

Despite relevant measures within the conditionality mechanism and the RRP to carry out and even increase the number of public consultations (Milestone 235), this week the Hungarian government has again proven that there is no serious commitment behind its promises.   Step 1: Weakening the…

Local Governance in the Crosshairs: An Overlooked Front of the Struggle for European Democracy

MerényiM // 2023.03.01.

Címkék: english

In the landscape of democratic institutions and especially within the context of democratic backsliding in Hungary and Poland, local governance generally receives less attention than other elements of a  democratic society, such as the judiciary or the media. The Covid-19 crisis presented new kinds…

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