We were the first one to report on the Prime Minister’s trip to a Videoton-Ludogorec Champion’s League game in Bulgaria on July 25. The trip was made on a 60 million dollar business jet, and Orbán’s Press Secretary, Bertalan Havasi asserted that it has not been paid from public funds. In September,…
The Uses and Misuses of Europe's "Strictest" Asset Declaration System
MerényiM // 2018.10.05.
Címkék: english orbán viktor vagyonnyilatkozat
HOTEL OLIGARCH HUNGARY– Know where you spend your money
MerényiM // 2018.08.30.
Címkék: english nerhotel
The language of the Hungarian Parliament (1990-2017)
tangentopoli // 2017.12.05.
Címkék: english
As part of the 2017 Global Legislative Openness Week K-Monitor did some experimenting with parliamentary data. Background: K-Monitor started to scrape data from the Hungarian Parliament's website to make it processable for researchers and easily searchable for citizens and journalists. The following…