After the pre-election year of 2021, which was all about the ruling party's stocking up, 2022 did not bring more integrity into public life in Hungary either. There was plenty for the corruption watchdog K-Monitor to do! In the spring, we intensively followed the controversial parliamentary election…
The summary of K-Monitor's activities in 2022
tangentopoli // 2023.01.26.
Címkék: english
Bombaüzlet: Ennyi idő megnyerni egy három és fél milliárdos közbeszerzést
MerényiM // 2023.01.24.
Címkék: hirdetés adatok átláthatóság antikorrupció anti korrupció
Contributions of Hungarian CSOs to the European Commission's Rule of Law Report
Jogi Munkacsoport // 2023.01.23.
Címkék: english
Check where you spend your money when you are in Hungary
attilaj // 2023.01.23.
Címkék: english nerhotel
K-Monitor is happy to announce that our NER Hotel database is now available in English, too. NER Hotel is a map-based website that aims to make the Hungarian tourism sector more transparent by uncovering the real owners of restaurants, hotels, and other leisure establishments. It is designed to help…