EU Conditionality: The Show Must Go On and We Keep Monitoring
tangentopoli // 2022.11.25.
Címkék: english EU conditionality
Folytatódhat az EU-s eljárás, mi továbbra is figyelünk!
tangentopoli // 2022.11.25.
Címkék: eu átláthatóság antikorrupció EU conditionality
Conditionality mechanism: NGO assessment of remedial measures
tangentopoli // 2022.11.18.
Címkék: english EU conditionality
Almost there? A number of issues remained unaddressed in Hungary's anti-corruption reforms
tangentopoli // 2022.11.09.
Címkék: english EU conditionality
EU Conditionality Mechanism: Hungarian FOI Reform in a Rush
Jogi Munkacsoport // 2022.10.27.
Címkék: english EU conditionality
Public Procurement Measures proposed within the conditionality mechanism won’t fix systemic flaws
orsivin // 2022.10.17.
Címkék: english EU conditionality
In the wake of the conditionality mechanism, the Hungarian Government has committed to implement major reforms in the Hungarian Public Procurement System in order to reduce the number of single-bid procedures and eliminate systematic deficiencies – however, the ultimate goal is to simply gain access…
Conditionality Mechanism for the First Time: About us, without us
Jogi Munkacsoport // 2022.08.26.
Címkék: english EU conditionality
Hungarian Government to Introduce Criminal Justice Reform to Tackle Corruption While Pressure on Courts Mounting
Jogi Munkacsoport // 2022.07.24.
Címkék: english EU conditionality
EU’s Financial Interests Safeguarded
tangentopoli // 2022.02.18.
Címkék: english EU conditionality
Or not? The Court of Justice of the European Union has given green light to the Commission’s Rule of Law conditionality mechanism: the misuse of EU funds could soon have more severe consequences. The Luxembourg court's ruling comes after Hungary, criticized for systemic corruption, and Poland, whose…